PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) will produce N219 aircraft starting next year. The target, N219 aircraft produced will be able to fill 25 percent of the world market or equivalent to 532 units up to the next 11 years.
In pursuing the target, the production of N219 will be carried out gradually, namely by producing as many as four units in the first year of production.
In the following years, production volumes will be increased to eight units in the second year, 12 units in the third year, 24 units in the fourth year, and 36 units of the fifth year onwards until the target is fulfilled.
According to the information of the head OF the PTDI IGA Aircraft Sales division, in later, every N219 unit will be rewarded with about 6 million US dollars by reference to the 2019 fiscal year.
Until now there have been several parties both from domestic and overseas who convey interest in purchasing and cooperation of production.
The domestic party is comprised of government agencies and private business entities. The government agency that has made a booking N219 consist of regional Authority (PEMDA) of Aceh, North Kalimantan, and Papua.
Meanwhile, some private parties who have made reservations include Aviastar, Trigana, and Pelita.
Meanwhile, the overseas parties who have expressed interest in the purchase and cooperation of production include the United Arab Emirates, Colombia, Nigeria, and Singapore. Unfortunately, Igan was reluctant to specify the value or unit of booking made by the parties.
The project will utilize the funds collected through the government's Non-budget investment Financing (PINA). In this case, PINA will serve as a facilitator by facilitating a meeting between the project owner and the investor.
The funds collected will be used to increase production facilities, flight simulators, as well as maintenance facilities or maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO).
Based on recent developments, Igan mentioned that so far there has been no more investors, so no funds have been entered.
"It will need a process," said Igan to (13/9/2019).
For information, the N219 aircraft project is not the only PTDI project to be funded through the PINA financing scheme. At the same time, PTDI will also utilize the funds compiled through the PINA financing scheme for the development of the N245 aircraft.
According to Igan's description, currently the N245 aircraft still have to go through design, prototyping, and certification stages.
The target, N245 will be able to fill 16 percent of the world market in its class or equivalent to 160 units allocated for domestic market needs as much as 160 units and international as many as 130 units.
(Muhammad Julian)